About Me

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Jaiya Bhandari is a UK born painter and self-taught portrait artist. Trained as a meditation teacher and inspired by the power of creativity to invoke relaxation, self-awareness and community bonding, she designs commissioning and learning experiences that take viewers, clients and students on an artistic spiritual journey.

My Work

Selected Group Exhibitions

“PEACEFUL SOLUTIONS - Fundraising Exhibition” @ C99 Art Gallery, London, UK

December 2018

"ALT LOVE" @ Pete Checchia Photography & Arts, Philadelphia, PA

February 2017

“POST Special Exhibition” @ Art Gallery at Philadelphia City Hall, Philadelphia, PA

October 2016 - December 2016


"Jaiya Bhandari Teaches Community How to Rediscover Color" in Philadelphia Neighborhoods 6

by Robert Tierney - published December 29th 2016

“The Pearl Street Project Splash Painting Session” in Metro Philadelphia

by Jennifer Logue - published September 3rd 2016

Grants & Community Care Workshops

2019 The Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY

Featured Teaching Artist as part of the Museum’s year of POWER

2017 Asian Arts Initiative Grant, Philadelphia, PA

Recruited artists and organised public creative empowerment workshops centred around social justice, body mindfulness and awareness of the senses

2017 Academy at Palumbo, Philadelphia, PA

Lead customised Paint Splash workshop centred around the academy’s "Diversity Day"

2017 Donation to Collective Action, Philadelphia, PA,

Donated work to silent art auction to raise funds for ten local and national social justice organisations in Pennsylvania

2016 YES! for Schools enLighten Campaign

Launched print sale campaign to raise funds for youth empowerment & mindfulness program

2016 Asian Arts Initiative Grant, Philadelphia, PA

Led three public creative empowerment workshops including workshop for homeless guests at Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission during August “First Friday” and “Paint Splash for Peace” on Giving Tuesday with Asian Arts Initiative's youth group

“I want you to be involved, be inspired and be excited. It’s as much your own artistic journey as it is mine.”

My Story

Jaiya Bhandari is a UK born painter and self-taught portrait artist whose work with oil and canvas evokes a sincere and striking emotionality and engagement for viewers and clients. Inspired by the experiences and aspirations of her commissioned subjects, Jaiya empathically captures those moments we keep close to our hearts.

In personal works Jaiya explores the collective relationship to myths and archetypes found across many cultures. Exploring life cycles of destruction, creation, and abundance, and ritualistic experiences such as Abhyanga and Satsang, she captures the human journey through a spiritual eye. Several works explore this concept through the association of the different tastes found in Ayurveda to emotions, using Indian pop-culture imagery to depict each emotion. These works have been exhibited in several locations including Philadelphia's City Hall.

In addition to painting, Jaiya designs group and individual learning experiences in which art and play open a space for freedom of expression, building relaxation, self­ confidence and stronger community relationships. This includes women's empowerment workshops, corporate creativity workshops and receipt of grants for place-making initiatives with the Asian Arts Initiative. Combining creativity and mindfulness, Jaiya engaged guests from a local homeless shelter as well as staff and local residents with "Colour Splash" workshops, a signature service for groups and families, inspired by the Hindu festival of colour, Holi. Most recently, Jaiya was invited to The Rubin Museum of Art in New York to teach her Finding Saraswati Workshop as part of the museum’s year of POWER.

Jaiya's background includes corporate, philanthropic and arts experience. Trained as a chartered accountant, she migrated towards programming youth development and social enterprise initiatives for the EY Foundation in London, while developing her skills as a meditation instructor. Her experience and passion for the role art plays in community economic development enable her to understand and meet the needs of a wide audience. She is keen to continue utilising her artistic skills for service-based initiatives and welcomes both individual and collaborative opportunities to do so.